Are You Ready to Start Soaking in Water As Pure as the Mountain Springs?
I can still recall that first time I soaked in my oxygenated hot tub. It was after finishing my most rigorous training run ever for the 65 mile Coyote Backbone Trail Ultra. Seventeen grueling miles of steep inclines through the Santa Monica Mountains, and I was ready for the grave.
My one glimmer of hope was the reward that awaited me; the relief of dipping into my state of the art hot tub. After-all, I had just installed California’s first ever oxygen rich hot tub utilizing nano bubble technology. I was excited to see just how healing the oxygen waters could really be…
When my aching body touched that therapeutic water, it instantly took me back to that bubbling creek in the mountains of Vermont, I used to play in as a child feeling so wild and free. The next morning I awoke to a body that felt invigorated and surprisingly ready to hit the trail all over again. I felt totally restored.
Since then, I’ve been obsessed with getting into oxygenated water as often as I can.